Joe Biden has often said on the campaign trail that we’re in a “battle for the soul of our nation.” He’s right. Because of a severe lack of good leadership, our country is mired in multiple crises—a deadly pandemic that’s out of control, a cruel immigration system, a widening wealth gap and a flailing economy. Our people are deeply divided and are exhausted by uncertainty and constant chaos.
The problems we’re currently facing and the fight ahead of us will require a different approach: calm, steady leadership with experience, empathy and decency. That is what Joe Biden brings to the table. Biden and his formidable VP pick, Kamala Harris, are up to the task of course-correcting and restoring America’s faith in our leadership and our democratic institutions.
It’s also not lost on Caribbean Americans—and African Americans—that Biden has chosen a woman of color to help him on this journey.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris clearly represent the interests of Caribbean Americans.
Biden is cognizant that COVID-19 has affected communities of color disproportionately—a factor steeped in income inequality, limited access to healthcare, institutional biases and other societal ills—and positions himself as the candidate who believes in science and leads by example. These are key characteristics for combatting coronavirus.
Our community needs a president who will work towards equality, racial justice and economic upliftment for the middle and working class.
With a platform of bold ideas, Biden plans to implement an economic recovery plan for working families, narrow the wealth gap and advance racial equity across the economy.
Biden’s stance on immigration is in stark contrast to the current inhumane measures in place—such as family separation—and promises to provide a fair and just system, while safeguarding the security of the nation.
Many of these issues have not been addressed in the last four years and no tangible plans have been put forward to address issues in the interest of Caribbean Americans for the next four.
With some 46 years in the U.S. House, U.S. Senate and including eight years as vice president to President Barack Obama, Joe Biden has the experience to pull America out of its current health and economic nosedive. He joined Obama in accomplishing a major economic recovery between 2008 and 2016 and he’ll be joined by Senator Kamala Harris, a proven leader in the California justice system and the U.S. Senate.
The pulse of the Caribbean American community is beating to the tune of the Biden/Harris campaign because we believe that Biden will fight for the issues that affect us the most.
What Biden is offering us is so much more profound than policy or party—he’s offering us a chance to reflect on our country today and decide whether we want to continue in the same direction or work towards a more perfect union. And that’s all we can hope for.
Therefore, the Caribbean National Weekly endorses Joseph R. Biden for president.