Jamaica’s new Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act, which will provide greater protection to victims of domestic violence, will come into effect on Monday, January 22.
Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange, made the disclosure during Parliament on Tuesday.
“This government, and indeed the whole House, has demonstrated its commitment to preventing and punishing acts of domestic violence through the passage of these important amendments which will, among other things, allow the Court to issue Protection Orders and impose a penalty of up to $1 million for a breach of a Protection Order, up from a maximum of $10,000; and a sentence of up to one year in prison,” Grange said.
She noted that the Protection Orders are intended to guard against an array of potential harm, from harassment to property damage, and “it is right with the passage of time that we now apply a more appropriate penalty that will serve as a deterrent to this very serious crime”.
The new law will also increase the categories of persons who can make an application for a Protection Order, including the spouse or parent of an individual in respect of whom the conduct has been made or is likely to be made.
Protection for children
The Children’s Advocate will also now be able to apply for a Protection Order where the alleged conduct is threatened against a child.
“Additionally, the amended legislation will allow the Minister for Gender Affairs to flexibly amend monetary penalties. Let the word go from here that we are serious about dealing with domestic abuse. A new day has come for protecting victims and increasing the punishment for perpetrators of domestic abuse,” Grange stated.
The Minister noted that domestic abuse is not inevitable, adding that it does not have to happen.
“There is no excuse for abuse, and we can end the abuse. The amendment of our legislation is part of our effort to end the abuse. We continue to improve our services to victims, punish perpetrators and review our laws to create effective deterrents to would-be perpetrators. In this regard, I look forward to the deliberations of the Joint Select Committee that will review the Domestic Violence Act towards strengthening the protection of victims and dealing appropriately with perpetrators,” Grange said.
In the meantime, persons experiencing domestic violence can call the helpline numbers.
The helpline numbers for women are 876-553-0372 and 876-236-1713. For men, the helpline number is 876-553-0387.