Patricia – Lauderhill, FL.

I really don’t know right now. There is so much going on. This term has been very complicated. Donald Trump has very good views and I like some of the things that he is saying, but he is very intimidating and scary. If I had to choose, I would go with Hillary, even though I think that Trump has the best chance of winning. I am a Democrat and I will most definitely be voting.

Vincent – Miami, FL

Hillary Clinton. I am a Democrat. We have had our first black president, now I would love to see Hillary become our first female president. I know that she stands behind Obama, so I would love to see her in that seat.

Jacqueline – Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Hillary Clinton is the best! I would like her to focus on poor people. I voted early and I will continue to go out to the polls. I am a Democrat.

Tim – Coral Springs, FL.

I’m kinda excited about Hillary Clinton. I think she has very good views. She was a very strong supporter of Barack Obama and I know that she will continue the work that he has begun. She will be a strong, powerful leader. She will be our next president. I am a Democrat and I will definitely be voting.

Chernae – Miami, FL.

Hillary Clinton. She’s a woman and I agree with many of the things she stands for. She has also been the strongest candidate during the presidential debates. As she moves towards becoming the next president, I think she needs to be very forthcoming and direct about her plans for the African-American community. Also, children who are not competent readers by the third grade are more likely to end up incarcerated. I would like her to address this third grade to prison pipeline. She has a great chance of winning. I will be voting for her. I am a Democrat.

Eddy – Lauderdale Lakes, FL.

I would say Donald Trump, because he would make this country better than it is right now. He has a very good chance of winning. He is a funny guy, a people person and I think that he will make a good president. Hillary Clinton could make a good president too, because of the views and ideas of her husband, but I think that Trump has the knowledge, he invests money and he’s rich. Basically he has the mind to advance a better country. He’s my friend. I am a Democrat, but I will vote for Donald Trump.

Wynda – Plantation, FL.

I would like to see Hillary Clinton become the next president because she is the smartest person in the race right now. She is the most educated and the most knowledgeable on the issues. This is her race to lose. She needs to just continue to be herself, focus on the issues at hand and not the bickering between the parties. I and a Democrat and I will be voting.

Raymond – Tamarac, FL.

I would probably say Hillary. I like her viewpoints on a lot of the issues. I am a veteran, so I would like her to focus on veteran’s issues. There is a lot that veterans deal with that the world is not aware of. Other presidents have attempted to address many of these issues, but there is still a lot that needs to be done. I voted early and when the primaries come around, I will be voting again.

Tiara – Lauderhill, FL

I am not really interested in any candidate right now. The best chance over Trump would be Hillary, but based on some of the things I have heard about her in the news recently, I’m not so sure. If I was forced to choose between Trump and Hillary, I would choose Hillary. Ideal candidates should focus on jobs for lower incomed citizens as well as black issues like the Black Lives Matter movement. I am a Democrat and I will vote.

Cedric – Lauderhill, FL.

I think Hillary Clinton is the best candidate. She has the most experience, having served in Government for all these years. She has a very good chance of winning and she needs to stick to her policies and her platforms and stay out of the muck with the other candidates. If she continues to talk about the things that are important to Americans like the economy, how she’s going to improve it, employment initiatives, keeping us safe, she’ll be the next president.  I am a Democrat and I will absolutely be voting.

Fiesta – Lauderhill, FL.

It would be awesome to see Hillary Clinton become the first female president of the United States, but I am leaning a little towards Bernie Sanders. He has really moved towards working for the rights of all people and that is very important to me. I am a Democrat and I will most definitely be voting.


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