Civil society organisations (CSO) from seven Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries will meet in the Bahamas next month to discuss key economic and social trends and challenges for the region under the perspective of Sustainable Growth.
The CSOs from Barbados, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and the host country will meet on June 4, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced.
The forum will be hosted by the Vice President for Countries, Alexandre Meira da Rosa with the special presence of high Government authorities and leaders of civil society and other development actors.
“The meeting will feature discussions about the future and sustainability of civil society organizations (CSOs) in alignment with their governments’ development efforts..
It noted that the forum will include the innovation of an IDEATHON (hackathon of ideas) on Sustainable Growth & Sustainable Cities looking for innovative solutions to build safety and the cities of the future.
The IDB Group and the Civil Society sustains a systematic dialogue with civil society organizations (CSOs) from 26 countries of Latin American and the Caribbean, which includes information, dialogue, consultations, collaboration and partnership.