Good Afternoon and welcome. Today is Wednesday January 25. We’re taking a look at some of the top stories that are making the news across your Caribbean-American community here in South Florida… I’m Jahlisa Harvey, and you’re watching CNW90.
The coverage today is brought to you by Grace Soups: Spice up your kitchen with Grace Soups today. Genuine Caribbean taste enjoyed worldwide!
Here are today’s top stories:
Today President Trump is expected to sign an executive order to begin paying for a wall on the U.S. Mexican border. Trump tweeted out last night that he has a big day panned and quote “among many other things, we will build the wall.”
Trinidad and Tobago beverage manufacturer SMJ, the largest manufacturer of non-alcoholic drinks in the English speaking Caribbean, is making it easier for consumers to get one of the company’s flagship the sodas, Chubby by making it available for purchase online at
Reggae artist, Jemere Morgan, the son of Morgan Heritage member Gramps Morgan, made his 2017 debut on the Billboard Reggae album chart with his album Transition entering at number four and making a jump to number 2. Transition, released on January 6 contains 17 tracks with collaborations with J Boog, Ghanaian dancehall artist Soundbwoy and his father, Gramps, who is featured on the tracks Try Jah Love and Celebrate Life.
In Sports:
President of the Caribbean Football Union, Gordon Derrick has taken the first step in moving to break from CONCACAF. Derrick says that since electing Canadian Soccer Association president Montagliani as head of the organization the CFU has seen the majority of funding and grants heavily cut and been allowed no major input in CONCACAF’s decision making process.
Now, here’s what’s trending:
Usain Bolt has been stripped of his 2008 Olympics relay gold medal as a result of his teammate Nesta Carter testing positive for doping.
For tomorrows weather forecast:
Sunny in Broward County with a High of 81 and a low of 62. Partly Cloudy in Miami-Dade, with a high of 84 and a low of 64. For more information on these and other stories, visit us online at Caribbean Make Sure to pick up your copy of the National Weekly at your nearest Caribbean American outlet.
Today’s coverage was brought to you by Grace Soups: Spice up your kitchen with Grace Soups today. Genuine Caribbean taste enjoyed worldwide!”
This has been CNW90, I’m Jahlisa Harvey