The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and United Way of Palm Beach County have collaborated to develop a community-wide plan to alleviate hunger.
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) and the University of South Carolina’s Center for Research in Nutrition and Health Disparities (USC Center) have developed the “Hunger Relief Strategic Plan” that will be presented at the Oct. 6 BCC meeting in the Palm Beach County Robert Weisman Governmental Center located at 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach.
This plan will highlight specific goals, strategies, and tactics to address this challenge.
United Way of Palm Beach County President/CEO Dr. Laurie George said, “Our community stepped up to help with the ‘Hunger Relief Strategic Plan’ in a way that FRAC and USC have not seen in other communities. That is tremendous and tells us that Palm Beach County is ready to join us in the fight against hunger.”
For 85 years, United Way of Palm Beach County has been dedicated to identifying and addressing critical community issues to improve the lives of residents. Since the early 1900s, Palm Beach County has upheld a core responsibility of caring for and supporting the needy, and providing for the poor and indigent.