Former president of the Senate Simon Desras Dieuseul says he is no longer contesting the presidential election, the first round of which will take place on October 25.
Desras Dieuseul, the presidential candidate for the Party for the Liberation of Masses and Social Integration (PALMIS) said he will now support Jude Célstin, the presidential candidate for the Alternative League for the Progress and Emancipation of Haiti (LAPEH).
He said he made the decision to step down and would support Celestin “which means that there will be a wedding of number 31 and number 47” a reference to the two political parties.
The first round of the presidential elections will coincide with the second round of legislative council elections. The first round was held on August 9 and was marred by acts of violence and allegations that the CEP did not conduct the poll in a free and fair manner.