Guyana, CMC – Leader of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharat Jagdeo on Thursday announced the party has filed a motion of no-confidence against the Government.
During his weekly press conference, Jagdeo said his party filed the no-confidence motion with the Clerk of the National Assembly on Thursday morning.
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The announcement comes just three days after the party’s self-described “massive” performance at the just concluded Local Government Elections.
Jagdeo said the move was aimed at guarding against excesses of the three-year old administration.
The governing coalition holds a one-seat majority in the 65-seat National Assembly against Jagdeo’s People’s Progressive Party.
Jagdeo, a former president, said under the last PPP Government, the combined opposition, which had the majority, had filed a no confidence motion against the government for several reasons.
“We’re in bad, bad shape”
“If you compare what they claimed when they filed a no confidence motion, against the situation today, we are in a bad bad shape and therefore we have decided to file a no confidence motion against them.” He said he suspects that the issue will be addressed shortly in the National Assembly.
Jagdeo said the PPP has filed its no confidence motion against the coalition government for a number of reasons.
“They came in to office on a promise of clearing up corruption, arguing that the airport was corrupt, the Marriott was corrupt, and the Amaila Falls. We have seen this Government in office, unable to prove any of this but on the other hand, from the audit report, GUY$500 million is missing from the Durban Park project.”
He listed several other issues and occurrences that took place under the coalition government, as reasons for a no confidence motion.
Country should benefit from debate
Jagdeo said whether the PPP wins or loses the no confidence motion, he believes the country will benefit from the debate surrounding it, “because we believe we will get a chance once again to point out what the electorate said to them when they rejected them at these polls, that their policies are all wrong and damaging our prospects for the future and the well-being of all of our people across Guyana.”