KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaica says transnational organized crime as well as the high rates of crime and violence, human trafficking are among some of the challenges that must be confronted by the Caribbean this year.
National Security Minister Dr. Horace Change, quoting Dr. R. Evan Ellis, a research professor of Latin American Studies at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, said the security environment of the region is shaped by three persistent, interdependent, albeit evolving, challenges – climate, migration and criminal flows.
Strategic focus
“It is, therefore, fitting that we will commence 2019 with a strategic focus on the defense and security threats impacting the region,” Chang told a seminar being organized by the US-based William J Perry Centre for Hemispheric Defense and the Jamaica Defense Force.
Demands persistent attention
He told the seminar, which ends on Thursday that in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean Community (CARICOM) region, the security threats that are unique to small island states demand the persistent attention of policymakers.
Chang said that the seminar is a demonstration of the JDF’s commitment to developing sustainable solutions to long-standing and emerging problems impacting Jamaica and the wider Caribbean region.
Numerous security and defense challenges
He told the delegates that the seminar could not be more timely, as the Americas is currently facing numerous security and defense challenges and that this exchange of perspectives and experiences will allow persons to contemplate new policies and approaches to achieve safety and security at the national, regional and international levels.
The National Security Minister said that security does not exist in a vacuum, as insecurity and instability in one country can have significant implications for citizens in countries thousands of miles away.
Delegates to the seminar will discuss a number of issues including national security and defense, transnational threats and organized crime and evolving and future trends.
“I am confident that the seminar participants, who represent a wide cross section of ministries, departments and agencies, are all keen to engage in the diverse, interesting and relevant subject matters,” Chang said.
“The varied perspectives that will be brought out in your discussions can only enrich the understanding and provide new insights that will enable us to eradicate crime and violence from the Jamaican society,” he added.