The City of Lauderhill has announced the closure of all its city buildings, parks and recreational facilities after 20 of its 600 employees recently tested positive for COVID-19.
Lauderhill officials say that they will revert back to virtual and essential services and no longer allow the public in City buildings until further notice. Contact tracing for all the positive employees is currently being done throughout the city.
Read the official statement from The City of Lauderhill below:
The City of Lauderhill reopened City offices and parks methodically and in accordance with State, County, and City Executive Orders and CDC Guidelines on June 22, 2020. Office hours were reduced and many services and programs have been offered virtually. Administration implemented many precautions to minimize the spread of COVID-19 for employees and the public including limiting office hours to the public, placing in sneeze guards, signage, and hand sanitation stations around the facilities. Temperature checks and face coverings are mandatory for staff and the public in all City buildings. Staff has been provided with facial coverings, gloves and hand sanitizer. In addition, the City will continue to ensure daily deep cleaning of all facilities.
To help protect the staff and residents, the City provided free voluntary COVID-19 testing to all employees. At this time, 20 of our 600 employees have tested positive. Most of those employees who tested positive are asymptomatic and had no contact with the public. However, the city is in the process of contact tracing all of the persons who came in contact with positive staff members.
In light the positive cases in Florida and positive cases of employees; we will resume the implementation of virtual services and close City Hall, all Administrative offices, and Park and Recreation facilities. We will revert back to virtual and essential services and no longer allow the public in City buildings until further notice.
At this time, we are remaining vigilant and taking all steps to provide a safe work place in accordance with CDC Guidelines including making testing available to all employees, providing flexible work schedules, and telecommuting.
We will continue to monitor CDC Guidelines to help minimize any further spread of this disease. The City of Lauderhill encourages everyone to wash your hands frequently, wear a face covering, sanitize, practice social distancing, and follow CDC COVID-19 Guidelines