Prime Minister John Briceño is urging Belizeans to follow the various measures and protocols to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) saying he is fortunate that in his case “we were able to catch the infection in the early stages to prevent any further spread”.
Briceño, who came to office earlier this month following the general election, was diagnosed with the virus on Monday.
“Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your outpouring of prayers and well wishes. I want you all to know that thus far I am feeling fine and am working in quarantine until further notice from the medical experts,” Briceño, wrote on his Facebook page.
“While I am always doing my utmost to always wear a mask and socially distance from others, my job does require a lot of interaction with people and so I am glad that we were able to catch the infection in the early stages to prevent any further spread.
“I want to take this opportunity to implore everyone to please take all necessary precautions against this dangerous disease. We must protect each other by wearing our masks, physically distancing and self-quarantining if we have any suspicions or flu-like symptoms.
“While many of us are doing the right thing, the sad truth is many of us are still not, and we are unwittingly spreading this virus to those we love,” he added.
Prime Minister Briceño said it is important to remember that people are what move this virus, “and we, the people can stop it in its tracks.
“Our medical and economic experts are hard at work finalizing our comprehensive country-wide COVID-19 Strategy which I believe will go a long way in combatting this pandemic and protecting our people, but we cannot afford to wait. We must all do our part to stop the spread,” he wrote.