With a look at some of the top stories making the news today, May 21, across your Caribbean-American community in South Florida, I’m…for CNW 90.

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Coming up in the newscast, Broward parents protest mask mandate for students, Jamaicans lead Caribbean immigrants to Canada and Antigua may soon offer free KFC as a COVID-19 vaccine incentive.

Now for the news in detail,

Scores of Broward County Public School parents and other Florida residents gathered outside the school district headquarters in Fort Lauderdale on May 18th to protest the mask mandate for students. Just before the school board meeting on Tuesday, nearly 100 people gathered with placards at the KC Wright Administration Building, shouting that the mask order was child abuse. BCPS is the only school district in South Florida that has not yet made any changes to its mask policy following new CDC guidelines announced last week. Palm Beach and Miami-Dade have announced that masks will be optional for students when they return to school in August. As for Broward County, Superintendent Robert Runcie says those plans will be discussed in June or July. He, however, noted that masks are not currently required for outdoor activities.

Now for Caribbean News,

In Jamaica,

The Jamaican diaspora living in Canada continues to grow at a rapid rate each year. According to data from the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Jamaicans top the number of Caribbean migrants making their way to Canada. Over 21,000 Jamaicans have legally moved to Canada in the last six years, accounting for 45 percent of CARICOM nationals who have immigrated there since 2015. Nationals from Haiti and Guyana are the second and third-leading immigrants to Canada. The IRCC data showed that health-care and economic stability as the two most common reasons for Jamaicans resettling in Canada.

And in Antigua and Barbuda,

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne says Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) may be offered as an incentive to residents who take the COVID-19 vaccine. Browne said he has been told that KFC seems to be a popular option. He said the government may well be prepared to explore the option of giving a bucket of KFC for the first COVID-19 jab. Currently, residents can benefit from a $50 food voucher and will next week benefit from a $50 gas voucher with the first COVID-19 jab. So far, about 32,000 of Antigua’s 96,000 residents have been vaccinated. Browne, who is also finance minister, says if 70,000 residents are not vaccinated in the coming months, there will be serious consequences for the country.

For more information on these and other stories, visit

CNWNETWORK.com. Remember to pick up this week’s copy of our Caribbean National Weekly at your nearest Caribbean – American outlet.


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