British Virgin Islands Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronald George says the government will this week, be rolling out a digital database of persons who have been vaccinated in the territory.
In making the recent announcement, the CMO said the database will be internationally recognised to meet the strict proof-of-vaccination requirements of other countries.
He also said that the territory’s official vaccination database will ensure that unscrupulous persons will be unable to produce counterfeit copies of them.
“We’ve been working very, very closely with the Department of IT (Information & Technology) … and they have created an application — this will be web-based — where persons can go in there, put in their information, and then on the back end, we would verify. Once it’s been verified, they will automatically get their vaccine verification letter emailed to them.”
He said a unique QR code will be automatically generated on each letter.
“So anybody who gets that letter can either scan the QR code or if they’ve uploaded the PDF, they can just click on the link and they can go straight back to the government’s website and verify that this person is indeed vaccinated.”
Meanwhile, the information that persons will be required to upload to get their QR-coded verification letter – includes front and back copies of the physical vaccine cards they were given when they got vaccinated, a form of ID, among other things.