As Jamaica’s tourism continues its strong rebound, Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett, says the sector is projected to surpass pre-pandemic figures by the end of 2024.
He said that total visitor arrivals are estimated to reach 4.5 million, with gross foreign exchange earnings of US$4.7 billion.
Bartlett noted that total visitor arrivals are estimated at 3.2 million by the end of 2022, with cruise passengers accounting for 1.1 million and stopover arrivals, 2.1 million, while earnings are projected at US$3.3 billion.
He said that Jamaica’s visitor numbers are expected to total 4.1 million by the end of 2023, with cruise passengers accounting for 1.6 million, stopover arrivals, 2.5 million, and earnings of US$4.2 billion.
Meanwhile, stopover arrivals year to date stand at 1.2 million, and since cruise shipping resumed in August, Jamaica’s tourism sector has welcomed more than 36,000 cruise passengers, while earnings are at the US$1.5-billion mark.
“Jamaica is well on its ways to recovery. The 2021 stopover arrivals are estimated to be up 41 per cent year-over-year, and year to date, we have recouped nearly half of the 2019’s stopover business,” Bartlett told the House of Representatives as he outlined the recovery of the sector.
He noted that December is usually a strong month for the industry “and it begins the high season when the rates are higher, so we will likely meet our forecast of 1.6 million visitors and over US$2 billion in earnings”.