A search is now underway for four fishermen, after the vessel in which they set sail five days ago was found partially submerged in the waters off Cedros, to the south of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Trinidad Express reports that boat Captain Heeralal Kooblal and three workers left Grand Lagoon Village, Mayaro, last Tuesday.
Relatives said the men were on a five-day fishing expedition.
Kooblal, a 53-year-old seasoned fisherman, Rishi Kimchan and two others identified as Tallman and George were expected to return home at noon on Saturday.
Relatives said they were concerned as the men had not answered.
Kooblal’s wife, Farida Dhunda, told the Trinidad Express that her husband was experienced, and she did not believe the men had perished at sea.
A search for the missing men began on Saturday afternoon, and according to Dundalk, “The boat was found this morning and we understand there were no life jackets or raft onboard, so we are hoping they were able to get out in time.”
She said her husband was a good swimmer and assured the other families that he would do the best he can to assist the other men.