The City of Miramar has been awarded the prestigious 26th Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® (AEP) for 2021 from the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI). The AEP Award is earned by public and non-profit agencies that demonstrate a commitment to procurement excellence. This annual program recognizes procurement organizations that embrace Innovation, Professionalism, Productivity, Leadership, and e-Procurement. The AEP program encourages the development of excellence as well as continued organizational improvement to earn the award annually.
Miramar’s Procurement Director Alicia Ayum stated, “This is such a great honor for us. It’s a pleasure to lead a team of dedicated and hard-working procurement professionals who are committed to leading the City’s procurement process in a fair and equitable manner. We will continue to serve our stakeholders including our Miramar residents well and are very proud of this achievement.”
For 2021, there were 181 successful applicants including 64 cities, 41 counties, 36 special
districts, 19 school districts, 12 higher education agencies, 7 state or provincial agencies and 2 others.
The Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement is the third major award received by the City of Miramar for 2021. On June 10 th , the city was named 1 of 10 All-America City Award winners by the National Civic League for its work in inclusive civic engagement to build equity and resilience and create stronger connections among residents, businesses, and nonprofit and government leaders. The city was also named as a recipient of the 2021 Smart 50 Awards for 2 smart city projects.