“Any launch has serious implications for world peace,” Dominica PM
The government of Dominica has condemned the recent missile launch by North Korea.
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit in a brief statement Sunday said Dominica was fully supportive of the stance taken by the United Nations Security Council in roundly condemning the action and calling on North Korea to cease violation of agreed codes of security and conduct.
Skerrit said any such launch or threat of launch, has serious implications for world peace, and the ramifications could be severe for all humanity.
“Long range missiles, rockets, whatever name you wish to ascribe them, is no laughing matter. This is a serious development that calls for global action and reaction to send a clear message to North Korea that the civilized and peace loving world has had enough,” he added.
“The government of Dominica calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council, the authorities in North Korea and the wider membership of the United Nations, to do all in their power to bring North Korea into conformity with relevant UN resolutions, in particular, and international law in general.”
On Sunday, North Korea launched a long range missile into space, triggering a wave of international condemnation and prompting strong action from an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.