Dominica’s acting Prime Minister, Rayburn Blackmoore, is calling on the Diaspora to join the country’s rebuilding efforts following the aftermath of Tropical Storm Erika. Speaking at the recent Diaspora Forum, Blackmore said technical and human resources are needed to tackle the nation’s EC 1.3 billion dollars in damages.
Blackmore, who was addressing the annual Diaspora Forum on Friday 30th October 2015, at the State House Conference Center said the intent is to rebuild a better country following the havoc the country suffered during the passage of the storm in late August.
Blackmore said there is currently an urgent need for assistance at the Ministry of Public Works and Ports.
Blackmoore described the resettlement of villagers of Petite Savanne and Dubique, which as been declared ‘special disaster areas,’ as “one of the most challenging tasks” that the government is confronted with. Both communities were evacuated after the storm.
He stated out of the 300 promised Petro casas from Venezuela, 50 are on island and within the next two weeks 50 more will come.