PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad- Former national footballer Akeem ‘Battery’ Benjamin was one of two men fatally shot by police on Wednesday after what lawmen said was a shootout following an alleged robbery.
The identity of the other deceased has not been disclosed.
According to police reports, 32-year-old former defender Benjamin, who also played with local football clubs such as W Connection, Central FC and most recently San Juan Jabloteh, was among three suspects in a robbery.
Lawmen reported that around 12:20 p.m., members of the North Eastern Division Task Force responded to a report that three bandits were on the Flavorite Ice Cream compound at Boundary Road in San Juan.
On arrival, the officers saw a man jumping a fence on the western side of the building. Police said the officers drove towards the El Socorro area to check the scene and saw two men running, and gave chase.
The men ran into a room on the western side of the building. The police entered the room and the suspects reportedly drew guns. The officers fired several shots, hitting the suspects. The police subsequently seized a pistol and a revolver.
The former Trinidad national footballer and the other wounded suspect were taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope, where they died. A third man was detained.