WASHINGTON, CMC – Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness will deliver the feature address at the one-day high level conference on building resilience to disasters and climate change in the Caribbean later this month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said.
The Fund indicated the November 26 event is a follow up on the 2017 high-level forum “Unleashing Growth and Strengthening Resilience.” The conference will be held at the IMF headquarters here and will bring together key stakeholders, including senior policymakers, multilateral development partners, and the private sector.
According to the IMF, the delegates will “explore incentives to shift the focus of policies towards building resilience and innovative disaster risk financing policies and instruments that would help in the region”.
The Washington-based financial institution said that the “one-day conference is structured mostly to thematic sessions that will be closed to the media, to allow for candid exchanges”.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is co-hosting the high-level conference.