Palm Beach County Emergency Order 2020-012 has been issued requiring face coverings in Palm Beach County. This order applies in all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County and will be effective Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 12:01 A.M.
Facial coverings must be worn by all persons, other than those specifically exempted, while obtaining any good or service or otherwise visiting or working in any business or establishment, including entering, exiting, and otherwise moving around within the establishment. Facial coverings must be worn by all persons in public places where social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines is not possible or not being practiced.
All persons utilizing the County’s Palm Tran transit services including fixed route, Palm Tran Connection, Go Glades, and any other transit service provided by Palm Tran, shall wear facial coverings at all times when entering riding, or exiting the bus or transit vehicle, unless a medical accommodation is arranged in advance by contacting Palm Tran at (561) 841-4287.
All persons accessing governmental buildings for purposes of conducting public business, visitation, contracting, maintenance, delivery, or any other activity requiring a presence in a governmental building shall wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC at all times while present in the building.
A facial covering includes any covering which snugly covers the nose and mouth, whether store bought or homemade, mask or clothing covering including but not limited to, a scarf, bandana, handkerchief, or other similar cloth covering and which is secured in place. More specific guidance is contained in the order.
All businesses and establishments shall ensure compliance with the provisions of this order and shall establish a process for verification of compliance upon customer entry into the establishment.
Specific signage must be displayed in the business and is attached to the order and available here: Retail Sign. Restaurant Sign.
Signage must be posted conspicuously for easy visibility at all entry points. There will be a grace period to display signage.
The Sheriff of Palm Beach County, other law enforcement agencies including municipal law enforcement agencies, and any other personnel authorized by law, are authorized to enforce this Order.