Happy New Year, We’re taking a look at some of the top stories that are making the news across your Caribbean-American community here in South Florida. Today is Monday, January 2nd and for CNW90, I’m Jahlisa Harvey

The news today is brought to you by Grace Aloe, Aloe Vera Drink, Refreshingly Delicious.

Here are today’s top stories:

The man who had a large role in giving Little Haiti its now recognized name is being honored in the community that he helped to build by being immortalized through a mural. Viter Juste (Vee-ter Joo-st)  was a Haitian-born businessman, community leader and activist who is credited with being the first to call a section of the Northeast Second Avenue corridor  “Little Haiti.”

According to a study conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in 2016 15.4 percent of women age-18 and older in Florida are living below the federal poverty line of $11,880 for individuals. The study stated that for a single adult to afford the basic needs for living decently and have some extra to save, they should be paid at least $14.52 per hour, with work benefits.

Jamaican dancehall artist, Mr. Vegas is confirming the release of a gospel album titled Soul Therapy, which is set for a February release date. Vegas says the album will have a very strong message that many people can relate to

In Sports:

This week in the Scotiabank CFU Men’s Caribbean Cup 5th Place Playoff , Trinidad and Tobago are set to play Suriname on Wednesday and Haiti on Sunday. The winners will be taking on the fifth-place finishers from the Central American championship for a spot in the CONCACAF Gold Cup set for July.

Now, here’s what’s trending:

Haiti’s Chamber of Deputies member, Cholzer Chancy, called on the Provisional Electoral Council to publish the final results of the recent presidential election on December 29 as scheduled on the electoral calendar. However, the council has postponed publishing the results until January 3.

For TODAYS weather forecast:

Sunny in Broward County with a high of 82 and a low of 71. Mostly Sunny in Miami-Dade, with a high of 81 and a low of 74.

For more information on these and other stories, visit us online at

Caribbean national weekly.com.

Today’s news is brought to you by Grace Aloe. Aloe Vera drink, Refreshingly Delicious.”

For CNW90 I’m Jahlisa Harvey, Happy New Year…


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