With a look at some of the top stories making the news today, May 28, across your Caribbean-American community in South Florida, I’m…for CNW 90.

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Coming up in the newscast, Jamaican-American attorney Kristen Clarke confirmed to top White House post, PNP General-Secretary Dayton Campbell at center of sexual abuse scandal and Bermuda donates its vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago.

Now for the news in detail,

On May 25, the U.S Senate confirmed the appointment of Jamaican-American Kristen Clarke to the justice department, making her the first Black woman to lead the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights division. The vote was 51-48 with Senator Susan Collins as the only Republican voting for her confirmation. Clarke’s confirmation coincided with the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. Kristen Clarke, the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, joins the ranks of Susan Rice and Vice President Kamala Harris as members of the Biden administration of Jamaican heritage. She was sworn in by Vice President Harris on Tuesday, in the presence of her Jamaican mother, Pansey.

Now for Caribbean News,

In Jamaica,

The General Secretary of the People’s National Party is now at the center of a sex scandal, with allegations being put forward that he had sexual relations with several underage girls as recently as 2016. The allegations were initially made in March by PNP activist Karen Cross, but at the time, no evidence was presented and none of the alleged underaged girls had released a statement. Campbell had also filed a defamation lawsuit against Cross. However, earlier this week, Cross filed a counter-suit against Campbell with statements from three girls who alleged that they were sexually involved with the former Member of Parliament, while they were teenagers. In the statements, one girl said she was 14 years old at the time of the involvement, while the two others were 15. Under Jamaican law, it is an offense to have sex with a person under the age of 16. Dr Campbell has denied the allegations.

And in Trinidad and Tobago

The government of Trinidad and Tobago has received a donation of 9,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine from the government of Bermuda. The vaccines were sent to the twin-island on Monday. Bermuda’s Health Minister Kim Wilson said the country had more AstraZeneca vaccine stockpiled than it was likely to use before the June 30 expiry date. Premier of Bermuda, David Burt said he was glad that his country was able to be of assistance to a Caribbean country. Some Forty-eight percent of Bermuda’s population have so far been fully vaccinated against the virus.

For more information on these and other stories, visit

CNWNETWORK.com. Remember to pick up this week’s copy of our Caribbean National Weekly at your nearest Caribbean – American outlet.

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