With a look at some of the top stories making the news today, April 23, across your Caribbean-American community in South Florida, I’m…for CNW 90.

Today’s newscast is brought to you by the Florida Department of Health;

To help stop the spread of COVID-19, The Florida Department of Health in Broward County reminds everyone to practice social distancing, wash your hands often with soap and water and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

Coming up in the newscast, Superintendent of Broward Schools, Robert Runcie arrested for perjury, Michael Sharpe’s cause of death revealed and Yvette Clarke calls for Temporary Protected Status for St Vincent nationals.

Now for the news in detail,

Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie was arrested Wednesday morning on a charge of perjury in an official proceeding. The 59-year-old Jamaica-born Superintendent was taken into custody by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. He has since been released from the Broward County Main Jail. According to his indictment, Runcie lied under oath to a state grand jury investigating school safety laws and money mismanagement. Following his arrest, Runcie’s attorneys released a statement saying that he continues to be transparent with the School Board, the parents and the public with any new information he receives. The attorneys say they are confident that he will be exonerated.

Now for Caribbean News,

In Jamaica,

Jamaica’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jacquiline Bisasor-Mckenzie has revealed that veteran journalist Michael Sharpe died after testing positive for COVID-19 and not from taking the AstraZeneca Vaccine. Michael Sharpe died on April 20 at 65 years old. Dr. Bisasor McKenzie says Mr. Sharpe’s medical report suggests that he presented with symptoms of COVID-19 which later worsened. Following his death, rumors swirled on social media suggesting that Sharpe died due to complications from taking his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on March 14. Health Minister, Dr Christopher Tufton has urged Jamaicans to desist from spreading false information surrounding the vaccines. He has also condemned verbal attacks on health care workers who have been working to vaccinate residents.

And in St Vincent and the Grenadines,

Jamaican-American US Congresswoman, Yvette Clarke, has called on the Joe Biden administration to grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to St Vincent nationals who have had to be evacuated from the red zone where the La Soufrière volcano has been erupting. Since the start of the eruptions on April 9, some 20,000 people have had to be relocated. Clarke said that she has written to the Department of Homeland Security urging them to assign Temporary Protected Status for the evacuees. She said that many St Vincent nationals have direct ties with the United States. Clarke says that the US must comply with international legal obligations and allow all migrants access to the asylum system.

For more information on these and other stories, visit

CNWNETWORK.com. Remember to pick up this week’s copy of our Caribbean National Weekly at your nearest Caribbean – American outlet.

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