Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world today is Wedneday, November 8th, across your Caribbean-American community in South Florida, this is CNW 90, and I’m Suzette Speaks.
Today’s news is brought to you by Grace Aloe, Aloe Vera Drink, Refreshingly Delicious.
Here’s a look at our top stories:
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday indicated it could allow Miami to pursue lawsuits accusing major banks of destructive mortgage lending to black and Hispanic home buyers. The eight justices heard arguments filed by Bank of America and Wells Fargo challenging the decision made by a lower court, however, under the Fair Housing Act, a federal law outlawing discrimination in housing, it was deemed illegal.
Goldson Spine and Rehabilitation Center held a Grand Opening last night for their first office located in Miami. With four locations now serving the community, Goldson Spine is the largest Caribbean owned Chiropractic center operating in South Florida.
Join commissioner Darlene Riggs for the thanksgiving turkey giveaway event held at Walmart on South University drive in Miramar Saturday. The event will run from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. with Flu vaccinations for the upcoming cold season will be available for those with and without health insurance.
In Sports:
The West Indies Cricket Board is defending recent legislation which demands a 20 percent levy on player salaries from overseas boards. The controversial proposal, which has so far drawn ire in many circles, seeks to tax boards that wish to enlist the services of West Indies players for several T20 tournaments around the world.
Now, here’s what’s trending:
Celebrities including Snoop Lion, took to Twitter yesterday to celebrate the passage of California’s Proposition 64, which allows all state residents who are 21 and older to possess, transport and buy up to an ounce of marijuana for recreational purposes, According to CNN.
For today’s weather forecast:
Partky Cloudy in Broward County with a high of 82 and a low of 62. Partly Cloudy in Miami-Dade, with a high of 79 and a low of 66.
For more information on these and other stories, visit
Caribbean national weekly.com. Remember to pick up this week’s copy of our Caribbean National Weekly at your nearest Caribbean – American outlet. Today’s news is brought to you by Grace Aloe. Aloe Vera drink, Refreshingly Delicious.”
You’ve been watching CNW90, I’m Suzette Speaks.