The fraud case against former Cash plus boss, Carlos Hill, has collapsed. Accused of fleecing thousands of Jamaicans in an infamous Ponzi scheme, Hill walked free from court early Wednesday afternoon after the prosecution told the court no evidence would be offered against him. Justice Chester Stamp, who presided over the case, ordered the jurors to return a verdict of not guilty. According to the prosecution, after the Cash Plus investments scheme folded in 2008, thousands of people were affected and was expected to come forward to give statements against Hill.
A man who was taking his 10-year-old son for a joyride on an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) has been arrested after they were injured in a crash Sunday in Lauderhill, police said. Donny Chestnut, 31, was arrested on multiple charges, including child neglect and reckless driving. According to a Lauderhill police report, Chestnut was operating the ATVwhen it crashed head-on into a woman’s car in the driveway of her home. Chestnut’s and his son were thrown from the ATV. Chestnut received an injury to his head, and his son to his ankle and collarbone. Police said Chestnut ran a stop sign at the time of the crash, and neither rider was wearing a helmet.
A Dominican Republic national, who was wanted on murder charges, was among seven Caribbean nationals nabbed trying to re-enter the United States via Puerto Rico after being deported. United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents arrested five of the individuals on a wooden vessel intercepted by Puerto Rican police. Two other who jumped in the water before the boat was intercepted were rescued near the coast of Aguadilla last week. Ramon Antonio Castillo, 51, of the DR was one of the two rescued. US
authorities said Castillo has two active warrants for arrest from Puerto Rico and New York for homicide charges.
And in sports
Barbados recorded their first victory over Jamaica in33 years to draw their three-match series 1-1. The Barbados Gems rallied to a 43-41 win atthe National Arena in Kingston. The series ended in a tie after the teams drew 44-44 the first game last week Friday, and Jamaica won the second 40-34 on Sunday. Barbadian players, Captain Rhe-Ann Niles and Sheniqua Thomas were named Best Defender and Best Shooter of the series. .
Here’s what’s trending…
South Florida born entertainer Ariana Grande at whose concert in Manchester, England an alleged suicide bomber detonated himself, killing 22 people has cancelled her Dangerous Woman tour and returned to her Boca Raton residence. Ariana who is reported to be extremely broken in spirit since the tragic incident earlier this week has cancelled all her shows up to June 5.
For Tomorrow’s weather forecast.
It will be partly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties and partly cloudy in Palm Beach with a high of 91 and a low of 5. Today’s news was brought to you by the Florida Department of Health in Broward County, who encourages you to Protect Your Baby, Vaccinate On Time, Every Time. They remind you that Immunizations are SAFE, PROVEN PROTECTION. For more on these and other stories visit us at Make sure to pick your copy of Caribbean News weekly at your nearest Caribbean American outlet