From April through May 2016, residents in Broward can participate in the Neighborhood Water Challenge by competing in two categories- Water Conservation and Outreach and Education.
In the Water Conservation competition, neighbors will work together to save water over a two-month period. Water savings will be determined by comparing 2015 water bills with 2016 water bills. An average savings for each team will be calculated. The team that saves the most wins. Each (family) participant in the winning team will receive $1000 cash. Each neighbor on the second place team will receive a WaterOptimizer irrigation system.
The second category, Outreach and Education challenges contestants to develop and implement an outreach program to help their neighbors understand that conservation and reuse are more than saving water, they are about using all of our water resources wisely.The team that saves the most wins. Each (family) participant in the winning team will receive $1000 cash. Each neighbor on the second place team will receive a WaterOptimizer irrigation system.
Contestants must register by March 15, 2016. Program details are available at