Lauderhill, Florida – The City of Lauderhill Staff is prepared to have its first virtual CRA and Commission Meetings today, Monday, March 30, 2020, amidst the COVID-19 health crisis.
As several Executive Orders have stated, it is safest for everyone in the community to stay home. See to view all orders. With that, City Hall remains closed to only essential personnel in order to maintain necessary operations for the City.
Commission and CRA Meetings
The next Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Meeting will occur on Monday, March 30, 2020 at 6:45 PM and the regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting will begin at 7:00 PM. Both meetings will occur via a Virtual Meeting Conference Call.
Directions to watch – To watch the meetings, you may visit the City of Lauderhill’s Official Facebook page @cityoflauderhill. If you are a Comcast customer, you can watch on Channel 78.
Directions to listen – To listen in, you may call 1-929-205-6099 and the Meeting ID is 143055145 for both meetings.
How to participate – If you would like to speak on an agenda item, speak live during public comments, or would like to leave a comment to be read during the meeting, call the City Clerk’s voicemail at 954-714-2180 or email the office at [email protected] 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please leave your name, number, and address with your message. You may also complete our Public Meeting Comment submission form online at
If you requested to speak live during the meeting, you will receive a call from City staff when it is your turn to communicate to the Commission. In accordance with Florida Statutes section 286.0114, each member of the public shall have a total of three minutes to comment on any substantive matters before the commission. Please be prepared to state your name and provide your home address before you address the Commission.
Parks and all businesses except those deemed essential are closed. Outdoor exercise is allowable; however, COVID-19 guidelines for social distancing practices must be adhered to at all times.
For City related questions, call us at 954-739-0100. Leave us a message and calls are returned daily. Or, email us at