The Miami-Dade School Board approved a tentative plan for the proposed reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 academic year.
The school board obtained the feedback of parents, teachers and students; and the unanimous approval of a workgroup comprised of health, logistics and education experts, parents, community and business leaders, to establish its plan for reopening schools in the fall.
One of the major takeaways of the plan is that M-DCPS parents will have the flexibility to select their children’s fall enrollment plan based on their preference and comfort level between distance learning or physical in-school instruction, or a possible combination of both.
Parents will have from today through Friday, July 10 to indicate which fall semester enrollment plan they are choosing for their child. Parents of current M-DCPS students can find the short questionnaire on the Parent Portal or the Dadeschools Mobile app.
If parents cannot locate the form on the Parent Portal or the mobile application, they can visit to fill out and email or print the form and return it directly to their child’s school. Form pickup and drop-off at schools will be available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Forms will also be made available at the schools for pickup during those times. Parents of new students must complete the physical form and take it to the intended school of enrollment, in person.
On the questionnaire, parents will indicate whether they intend to have their child return to a brick-and-mortar school in the fall for up to five days a week, with the understanding that depending on the school building utilization, it may be through a hybrid model – blending in-school learning with a specially designed eLearning component.
Parents will also have the option to select My School Online (MSO), which will hold a student’s placement at the current school and will enable distance learning, directly under the guidance and in conjunction with their assigned teacher.
For more information on the county’s reopening of schools, parent/guardians and students can visit Parents may also contact the M-DCPS Distance Learning helpline at 305-995-HELP.