Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) is allowing five additional days for parents to select their preferred option for their children’s fall semester enrollment. The new deadline to submit the declaration of intent is now July 15. The questionnaire was made available to parents online, through the Dadeschools mobile app and in schools beginning Monday, July 6.
This declaration of intent is an opportunity for parents to indicate whether they plan to send their children back to school physically, for up to five days-a-week, should Miami-Dade County be operating in Phase 2 under The Plan for Florida’s Recovery. It also provides the option to select My School Online (MSO), the five days-a-week innovative online learning model, which maintains students’ connection to their enrolled schools and is facilitated directly by assigned teachers, using licensed courseware.
In order to ensure an accurate student count for a brick-and-mortar school environment, it is imperative that all parents are forthcoming in their declaration of intent.
Submission Options for Current M-DCPS Parents
- District Website – There is a feature for direct submission on the dedicated webpage for reopening schools. Visit and select “Submit Your Preference Here” in the purple box.
- School Site – The declaration of intent form is available at school sites, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. until the July 15 deadline. Parents may also download the form at and may email the completed form to the student’s school principal, or drop it off in person at the student’s school, during the time window mentioned above.
- Parent Portal – Parents must log in using their established User ID and password. Parents must have their child(ren) linked to their account. If their child is not linked, they should visit their child’s school and provide proper identification to obtain their unique six-digit pin. It takes 24 hours for the linking of the student to the parent account to take effect.
- Dadeschools Mobile App – Parents can click on the first icon in the upper left corner, entitled “Schooling Pref.” They must have their child(ren) linked to their account.
- Meal Distribution – The form will also be distributed during the M-DCPS student meal distributions at 50 designated school sites. Visit for the schedule and list of sites.
Submission Options for New M-DCPS Parents
Parents of students who are new to M-DCPS or entering Kindergarten, who have already registered, may visit to submit their declaration online or fill out the form and turn it into the school as outlined above.
Parents who still need to register their children for school can declare their fall semester enrollment choice at the time of registration.
Additional Assistance
Staff at school sites will be available to assist with providing parent pins and answering additional questions, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Parents may also contact the Distance Learning Help Desk at 305-995-HELP (4357) on weekdays from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.