Thoughts of home are never far away for members of the Dominican Diaspora, particularly during the holidays. For one group of Orlando-based national, giving back to the homeland takes a new level, thanks to the recent formation of the Dominica Orlando Movement organization (D.O.M).
The group was formed this summer, shortly after Tropical Storm Ericka devastated parts of the island in August 2015. Following the storm, Dominicans residing in the Central Florida region came together to participate in relief efforts for Dominica by donating food, clothes and other necessary items.
According to the founders of D.O.M, the generous support given to the Erika relief project in terms of time, effort and financial support, inspired the group to formally establish an organization in September. Now, DOM continues its mission all season long to develop and promote “meaningful connections and relationships among Dominicans in the Central Florida region and the residents of our homeland Dominica.”
“D.O.M was formed not only to unify and lend support to our country of Dominica, but also to be recognized as a group of individuals who are passionate, motivated, and dedicated and also to be acknowledged by our community here in Central Florida,” says D.O.M.’s public relation’s officer, Malcia Paul. “One of our many prioritized goals is that everyone, no matter their nationality, be acquainted and familiarized with the Island of Dominica and its many attributes.”
According to Paul, to date the D.O.M has contributed to relief efforts post Erika by donating over $5000.00 in food, clothing and other necessary items to the residents of Dominica. The group also held its first annual Independence event/fundraiser in Central Florida. Paul also says that the D.O.M. intends to continue planning and implementing several fundraising events to contribute towards the needs of Dominican residents.