PALM BEACH COUNTY – As per the executive orders issued by Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, Palm Beach County has implemented several measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Below are a few of the executive orders and their stipulations for residents of Palm Beach County:
All persons over 65 years of age are urged to stay home and to take other measures as necessary to limit their risk of exposure to COVID-19. A public health advisory remains in effect against all social or recreational gatherings of 10 or more people.
All persons who enter Florida from an area with substantial community spread, to include the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), must isolate or quarantine for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida or the duration of the person’ s presence in the State of Florida, whichever is shorter.
Mandates airline passengers arriving into Florida on flights from New York and surrounding areas must undergo a 14-day quarantine. Travelers from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will be subject to the mandatory quarantine. Anyone who violates this could be fined $500 and face 60 days in jail. Airline employees and those performing emergency health or military duties are exempt.
All hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, office surgery centers, dental, orthodontic offices, and other health care practitioners’ offices in the State are prohibited from providing any medically unnecessary, non-urgent or non-emergency procedure or surgery which, if delayed, does not place a patient’s immediate health, safety, or wellbeing at risk.
All restaurants and food establishments may operate their kitchens for purpose of providing delivery or take-out services. Such vendors may continue to sell alcoholic beverages in sealed containers for consumption off-premises.
All beaches remain closed in Palm Beach and Broward counties. All movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums, fitness studios. This does not apply to gyms and fitness centers which are amenities of hotels, which have a capacity of 10 persons or less, or are an amenity of a residential building.
Local government bodies may utilize communications media technology such as telephone and video conferencing.
Establishments that attract gatherings of more than 10 people and are more susceptible for spreading COVID-19; must limit its occupancy to 50% of its current building occupancy and abide by the CDC’s “social distancing” guidelines.