SOUTH FLORIDA – The organizers of True Blue Weekend in South Florida has made the decision to postpone the April 3-4, 2020 event. The True Blue Weekend is hosted by The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. (JCOBAFL), will be rescheduled in the future based on guidance from the CDC, state and local officials.
“With the growing concern of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) we made the decision to postpone True Blue Weekend to a future date” said Xavier Murphy President of JCOBAFL, “The health of our community is our top priority.”
The True Blue weekend is an expansion from the annual Ziadie Cup soccer match between The St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. and The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. The annual match commemorates and honors, Dennis Ziadie, who coached both Jamaican High schools to Manning Cup football victories
The rescheduled date for True Blue weekend 2020 will be announced.
Help Stop Coronavirus – DO THE FIVE
1-HANDS Wash them often
2-ELBOW Cough into it
3-FACE Don’t touch it
4- FEET Stay more than 3ft apart
5- FEEL sick? Stay home