Sorrel is a Jamaican Christmas tradition that every Caribbean knows about. The sorrel flower is in full bloom at Christmas time in Jamaica. It has a deep red color and unique flavor enhanced with spices, lemon juice and rum (which can be omitted) Both fresh or dried sorrel can be used, whichever is easiest to find. If you’re using fresh sorrel, simply double the amount used in this recipe. This recipe will provide you with 10 cups.
What you’ll need:
2 ½ cups dried sorrel
3 oz fresh ginger, grated
5 pimento berries
10 cups boiling water
2 cups sugar
2 Tbsp lemon juice
¾ cup white rum
What to do:
1. Place sorrel, ginger and pimento berries in a large pot or mixing bowl
2. Pour boiling water over the ingredients; stir and place in fridge overnight to steep
3. Using a large strainer, pour the steeped liquid into another container; use a spoon to squeeze more liquid out of the sorrel
4. Add sugar, lemon juice and rum to sorrel and stir until sugar has dissolved