Get healthy with this yummy ingredient
Whether it’s being stuck in traffic, missing a deadline or having trouble getting the kids out of bed, the stress we experience comes in many different forms. Often, people think of stress as something you’re immediately aware of: your thoughts become crowded, your breath shortens or you can’t sleep.
But there is a kind of stress most everyone experiences, and because there are no outward symptoms, few are aware of how it could be harming their health. It’s called oxidative stress, and it’s caused primarily by the lifestyles we lead. By not sleeping enough, not consuming enough antioxidants in your diet or just being around daily pollutants such as car exhaust, candles or cleaning products, you can be subject to oxidative stress.
What makes oxidative stress especially dangerous is both a lack of awareness and the fact that research has found it leads to an increased risk of heart disease. How? Oxidative stress can affect LDL-cholesterol (commonly known as “bad cholesterol”) by transforming it into an even more damaging form: oxidized LDL.
Essentially, what happens is oxidized stress “rusts” the LDL cholesterol that circulates in the blood. Just as rust can damage machinery, this rust can damage your heart. With someone suffering a heart attack or a stroke every 40 seconds in the United States, the need to educate people on how to defend against the damage caused by oxidized LDL is more important than ever.
Unlocking the power of mushrooms
For more than 100 years, scientists have known that mushrooms contain a super antioxidant called ergothioneine that can help prevent cardiovascular damage. Ergothioneine is a natural part of the human defense system, and our bodies have a unique, genetically-coded protein designed to transport and deliver its antioxidant protection to high-stress areas where it is most needed, such as the walls or lining inside the arteries.
Despite documented evidence of the beneficial role ergothioneine can help with your heart, it’s nearly impossible to get enough ergothioneine to directly impact your health through diet alone. No one has been able to unlock the potential of ergothioneine until now.
A breakthrough supplement
Thanks to a scientific breakthrough by Mironova Labs, it is now possible to harness the power of this super antioxidant in a nutritional supplement. MironovaEGT+ is the first and only supplement to concentrate ergothioneine into an affordable, daily serving to help protect your heart from the damaging effects of oxidative stress.*
With the availability of this supplement, the “Dust the Rust Off” campaign has been launched to raise awareness of the benefits of ergothioneine and showcase how it can be a major part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. For more information, visit