Eight people have been confirmed dead, and several others injured following a shooting in the Cherry Tree Lane community in Four Paths, Clarendon, Jamaica, on Sunday evening.
While the exact circumstances remain unclear, it is believed that the incident is connected to an ongoing feud between rival gangs.
Reports are that a young boy is among the deceased. At least 17 people were shot. Up to midnight, nine persons were being treated for injuries at a hospital.
National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang expressed “deep sadness” over the incident.
“It is with deep sadness that I express my condolences to the families who have been affected by the tragic events in Cherry Tree Lane, Four Paths, Clarendon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time,” Chang said in a statement.
“We are committed to supporting the community and our dedicated police officers as they work tirelessly to bring those responsible for this heinous act to justice,” he continued, adding “The police have made significant progress in Clarendon, with a 39 percent reduction in murders compared to last year. However, incidents like this remind us that our work is far from over.”
Prime Minister calls national security meeting
Prime Minister Andrew Holness has scheduled a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) for Monday morning to address the brutal attack.
According to a media release from the Office of the Prime Minister, the meeting will begin at 9 a.m. The prime minister has advised the police to leave no stone unturned in bringing to justice the criminals who perpetrated the dastardly act.
“I condemn this reprehensible, brutal and senseless attack which resulted in several people in Clarendon being killed. I extend my deepest condolences to all families who are affected by this tragedy. I have spoken to the Police High Command and advised that all efforts must be extended to bring the perpetrators to justice, as quickly as possible,” Holness said.
“The Jamaican State will not countenance such savagery being meted out to our people. We will respond strongly,” he continued.
The Prime Minister said the shooting is a reminder that despite the approximately 17 percent reduction in murders which has been achieved this year, the Government will have to persist and intensify efforts to aggressively target criminal gangs across Jamaica.
“We will not relent in efforts to reduce criminality and we will not surrender our society to criminals. I wish to assure the nation that my Government will continue to pursue a multi-faceted approach as we support the security forces in the bid to further successfully reduce violent crime,” said Holness.
The Prime Minister also called on anyone with information concerning the gun attack on Cherry Tree Lane in Clarendon to tell the police what they know.