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Fogging initiative launched across TCI to combat dengue outbreak

In response to the alarming surge in dengue fever cases, the Ministry of Health and Human Services has initiated an extensive fogging schedule spanning every island in the Turks and Caicos. 

First dengue case confirmed

Reports are that  TCI received confirmation of its first dengue case on October 17, 2023.  

Since then, the Health Ministry, in collaboration with healthcare providers and increased public awareness, has intensified testing efforts. 

According to reports, they have identified 13 confirmed cases of dengue, with an additional 74 suspected cases, painting a concerning picture of the situation.

Dengue outbreak: A looming threat

The growing numbers have sounded the alarm for a potential dengue outbreak in the Turks and Caicos Islands. 

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These confirmed cases are not uniformly distributed across the archipelago, with the breakdown as follows:

  • Providenciales: 12 confirmed cases
  • Grand Turk: 1 confirmed case

Types of dengue virus 

The health ministry further notes there are four dengue virus types. Two types of dengue virus have since been identified in the TCI- type two and type three (DENV-2 and DENV-3).  

Among the confirmed cases, eight have been attributed to type three, known for its potential to cause severe manifestations of the disease.

 Meanwhile, type two has been identified in a single confirmed case, while the remaining cases did not meet the criteria for typing.

Measures to tackle dengue crisis

According to media reports, Shaun D. Malcolm, the Minister of Health and Human Services shared that in response to the dengue cases, the Ministry of Health and Human Services, through the Vector Control Unit of the Environmental Health Department, has significantly escalated vector control activities across the islands.

Malcolm stated that these efforts encompass the treatment of swamps, large bodies of standing water, premises inspections, and fogging operations.

Furthermore, Malcolm highlighted the collaborative efforts with the Deputy Governor, which resulted in the approval for additional Vector Control Officers, with their onboarding now being prioritized.

More on dengue in the Caribbean

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