Royal Caribbean – The fine print associated with a Royal Caribbean cruise has been updated.
Royal Caribbean informed passengers with a cruise booked that the cruise line has amended its Cruise Ticket Contract, which is the legal terms all passengers agree to when booking a cruise.
“We’re making important changes to our legal terms and simplifying the process by which these terms – which are applicable to your cruise purchase and other activities, services, and products related to your cruise – are communicated to you and all our guests from around the world,” the cruise line stated in an email to guests.
The changes went into effect on April 12, 2023, and will apply to sailings that depart on or after that date.
The changes apply to the Cruise Ticket Contract, Booking Conditions, and Global Purchase Terms and Conditions. Royal Caribbean highlighted three changes they believe are the most important.
Primary Country of Residence
The cruise line says the Cruise Ticket Contract or Booking Conditions applicable to your cruise purchase are now determined by your Primary Country of Residence. This means whichever country you live in primarily at the time of booking will be which contract applies to you. Royal Caribbean will determine the primary country of residence based on what’s indicated by you, your agent, or other representative at the time of booking the cruise or at online check-in.
COVID-19 Policy
One change is there are now less days prior to a cruise beginning to have tested positive for Covid to qualify for a refund.
Royal Caribbean changed the policy from 14 to 5 days prior to embarkation if a passenger tests positive for Covid, exhibits signs or symptoms of Covid, or has had close contact with a person confirmed or suspected as having Covid, Royal Caribbean may deny boarding.
The two changes here are 14 to 5 days, and the word “will deny boarding” to “may deny boarding”.
Unless the passenger failed to follow Royal Caribbean’s Covid policies and procedures, any passenger denied boarding under these circumstances will be entitled to either a refund or a future cruise credit equal in value to the cruise fare passenger paid.
Cruise Cancellation or Deviation Due to COVID
The updated cruise contract removed verbiage under the “Cancellation, Deviation, Or Substitution By Carrier” section related to public health emergencies. The phrase “as a result of a declaration of a public health emergency or government order” has been removed.
Why the cruise contract is important
The cruise contract is an important legal document that you agree to when booking a cruise. It encompasses protocols and policies related to guest conduct and expectations during a cruise. Every cruise line includes this as part of the agreement you make when you book a cruise.
Upon placing a deposit, Royal Caribbean adds a check box to indicate the guest has read through the Cruise Contract and agrees to everything inside.