Trinidad & Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has declared the recent cyberattack on the Telecommunication Services of Trinidad & Tobago (TSTT) a “national security threat.”
The breach has exposed the personal information of numerous customers, prompting a call to arms against the mounting digital dangers.
Cybersecurity alert: TSTT falls victim to hackers
Reports are that last month, the nation’s telecommunications giant, TSTT, found itself in the crosshairs of international hackers known as Ransomexx.
In a shocking revelation, the hackers infiltrated TSTT’s systems, unleashing a wave of ransomware and absconding with an estimated six gigabytes of sensitive customer data.
The stolen trove includes a wide array of personal information, such as names, email addresses, national ID numbers, and phone numbers, leaving a multitude of customers grappling with the unsettling aftermath.
Prime Minister’s assurance: His data remains unscathed
Contrary to reports, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has assured the public that his personal data remains unscathed by the cyberattack.