An 18-year-old girl was among three persons arrested in connection with armed robbery at a Chinese restaurant In Trinidad.
The woman and two men were collared when police stopped the getaway vehicle in a road block in Freeport.
Police said two other men, jumped out of the vehicle and escaped.
The teenager and two men, both in their 20s, were detained. Police said the robbery occurred at a Chinese restaurant in Carapichaima.
The gang of three men and the woman entered the business place pointing a gun at the employees. Police said one man was waiting inside the vehicle outside. The restaurant employees handed over $1,000 and several packets of cigarettes to the hoodlums.
Freeport police was contacted and an all-points bulletin was issued. Officers conducting a road exercise along Taitt Madoo Road, Freeport, spotted the vehicle. The officers intercepted the car, but two men jumped out of the car and ran.
Police held three other occupants in the vehicle. A manhunt was mounted for the two suspects.