A coronavirus variant first spotted in India is poised to become the dominant one in the United States, and could cause a resurgence of COVID-19 later this year. The super-contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus is now responsible for about one in every five new Covid-19 cases in the U.S. and Florida already has over 70 cases of the new variant, according to the CDC.
Broward County Mayor Steve Geller says the variant is likely to cause another spike in the county come this fall.
“Most people seem to be acting like the COVID-19 crisis is over and it’s not because of the delta variant. The consensus medical opinion seems to be that absence something unexpected, like an unexpected surge in vaccinations, that in the fall, we should expect numbers again to start rising, both because of the delta variant and because people are gonna be spending less time indoors,” he said during a COVID-19 community update press conference on June 18.
Over 62 percent of Broward County’s eligible population have been vaccinated. Mayor Geller says that everyone in the county who wanted to take the vaccine has already done so.
But he said in a few months, if the delta variant starts to spread in South Florida, unvaccinated residents will deeply regret not taking the shot.
“The people that are getting the delta variant are gonna deeply regret that they didn’t get vaccinated when they had the opportunity,” Mayor Geller stated.
“It’s hurting themselves and other people.”
The Broward Mayor says that he will be working with corporate entities and municipal leaders to give away cash prices, gift certificated and other incentives to encourage residents to get vaccinated.