In the early 2000s, Dahlia Canes stumbled upon a pit bull named Chocolate roaming the streets, battered and in distress. This encounter marked the beginning of a journey that would eventually lead to the end of Miami-Dade County’s decades-old pit bull ban.
Tragic origins of the ban
The ban, dating back to 1989, was a response to a horrific incident involving a pit bull attacking a 7-year-old girl named Melissa Moreira. The attack left Melissa severely injured, necessitating multiple reconstructive surgeries and forever altering her perception of safety.
Canes’ desperate plea to save Chocolate
Years later, when Dahlia Canes had to leave Chocolate with friends in South Beach, she had no idea that Miami-Dade Animal Services would take custody of her beloved pet. On her return, she discovered that Chocolate was facing euthanasia, a fate brought about by the longstanding pit bull ban. Canes passionately pleaded for Chocolate’s life, reflecting the ban’s harsh consequences.
Changing perspectives
Fast forward to 2022, and the tide began to turn. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law that prohibited local governments from imposing bans on specific dog breeds, sizes, or weights. This monumental legislation signaled a significant shift in policy, providing hope for countless pit bull owners and advocates like Dahlia Canes.
Pitbull advocacy pays off
Dahlia Canes, founder of the nonprofit Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation, played a pivotal role in advocating for pit bulls in South Florida. Collaborating with organizations such as the Best Friends Animal Society and the Humane Society, she helped champion the cause, driving change through legislative channels.
The impact on residents and pets
The ban’s repeal not only brings relief to pit bull owners but also addresses the challenging choices they once faced. Previously, residents had to choose between keeping their dogs or being homeless. With the ban lifted, pet owners can now breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking ahead
While the ban has ended, the conversation about pit bull attacks continues. Recent incidents have sparked discussions about responsible ownership and proper training to prevent unfortunate incidents involving pit bulls.
‘Pitnic’ for change
To commemorate the end of this decades-long ban, Canes and her nonprofit organized a “Pitnic” at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah. Pit bull lovers, along with current and former public officials, gathered to show their support and celebrate this momentous change.
Responsible Ownership
As the ban becomes history, the message is clear: responsible ownership and proper training are the key to ensuring pit bulls and their owners can live harmoniously in South Florida.
End of an era
Miami-Dade’s pit bull ban may be over, but its impact on the lives of countless residents and their beloved pets will be remembered as a chapter that sparked change and paved the way for a more inclusive and compassionate future.