Palm Beach County has extended its mask mandate, but thanks to an executive order from Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, individual violators currently shouldn’t pay fines.
Still, the County Administrator has determined that it is necessary and appropriate to extend Emergency Order Number 2020-012 for an additional thirty days.
Local government officials say that facial coverings must be worn by all persons, other than those specifically exempted, while obtaining any good or service or otherwise visiting or working in any business or establishment, including entering, exiting, and otherwise moving around within the establishment.
Facial coverings must be worn by all persons in public places where social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines is not possible or not being practised.
All persons utilizing the County’s Palm Tran transit services should wear facial coverings at all times when entering riding, or exiting the bus or transit vehicle. The same applies to persons accessing governmental buildings.
The COVID Education and Compliance team in Palm Beach continues to patrol businesses, restaurants and other facilities. They are still empowered to issue citations and fines, but the fines cannot be collected until after DeSantis’s executive order prohibiting the collection of mask-related fines expires.