Race relations have always been a consistent topic of discussion among Americans—from the citizens on the street corners to those sitting in Congress. But since the death of George Floyd in May, which sparked worldwide protests in solidarity with the African-American community, the topic of race relations in the United States have been among the number one debates in the country.
With race relations on the ballot for many Americans in the upcoming election, CNW Network asked some residents in New York if they felt race relations in the U.S. were getting better or worse. Here are some of the responses:
Curtis Danclar – “I believe there’s a lot more to be done in the United States, especially with Blacks, whites and Hispanics. It can get much better but they have to continue to do what they’re doing right now—in Brooklyn, in New York and the United States. They got a lot more to do.”
Melissa Alexis – “I’m kind of on the fence as to whether or not race relations have changed in America. As a British West Indian coming here, I have a very biased and negative outlook on everyone’s approach and behavior towards each other. When it comes to racism, I’m not fully aware if it has changed, but I do see positiveness within the community which I’m happy about. But when it comes to knowing if there’s a change, I’m not confident about that because we still have the same battles in the community that causes the racism in the first place.”
Dennis Bailey – “I don’t think they are getting better. Look what’s going on—all the Black people getting shot everywhere in the United States. Even after George Floyd’s death, there was still a lot of shootings. So I can’t say its getting better. It’s getting worse. I think the protests were great, we’re getting heard, but we’re still waiting to see the changes.”
Patricia Murrell – “Nothing has been improved. I wouldn’t say it’s getting better. The reason I wouldn’t use better is because in my community, when you go into the Jewish stores, they still look at you in a discriminatory manner. You see in their face and their actions.”
Dade B – “It’s getting worse. As a Caribbean person, I have never seen racism until I came to the United States. The way they treat us as Blacks, it’s like they never want to see you elevate. You must always stay at their foot-level. And that is not right. As a Black person, I had never seen the worst until I came to the U.S. It is bad.”
Mengwe Wapiminewah – “I don’t want to sound pessimistic but I think everyone wants to believe a lot of positive things are happening and I don’t think those things can be verified until we actually see change. I think everyone has the idea that race relations are going to get better, but until we actually some action we can’t actually say it is better. I think right now we’re at a point when everyone is hanging on to hope that it will be better, which is a start.”
Stephanie Ortiz – “I feel right right now we have a lot of potential to get better. I see a lot more people than I thought actually care about race issues, but the lawmakers are missing. I think as more people take charge and speak out, it has to get better. I don’t think its currently any better but I believe things will change.”